Justin Trudeau Memes, Angela Merkel Dinner
February 17, 2017 11:27 AM EST
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and German Chancellor Angela Merkel met Thursday night in Berlin to discuss matters of great importance. But a single candle on the dinner table has lit up the internet with a glow, inspiring memes awash in the warmth of the date night-like setup.
On Friday, Trudeau and Merkel addressed the European Union Parliament about trade, but the internet doesn’t always have time for that sort of thing because here they are, face to face, having a noticeably enchanted evening.
Merkel’s foreign and security policy adviser Christoph Heusgen and at least one other diner joined them.
Across the pond, President Donald Trump hosted his first formal meeting with Trudeau at the White House on Monday. During the influential meeting, Trump’s daughter Ivanka also made eye contact with Trudeau, providing the internet with all the minimum requirements to fantasize about their future lives together.
Random snapshots of politicians tend to go viral, but Trudeau has become one of the most meme-able people on the internet.