The 10 Worst Bob Dylan Songs
The album on which this unfortunate number appears, 1990’s Under the Red Sky, was dedicated to Bob Dylan’s then 4-year-old daughter. Yes, the album seems to have been inspired by his young child, but that doesn’t excuse lyrics like “Wiggle, wiggle like a bowl of soup” (or “pail of milk” or “ton of lead”). Under the Red Sky is largely viewed as one of Dylan’s worst albums; even he has admitted as much. It wasn’t well conceived and suffered from too many guest stars: Slash, George Harrison, David Crosby and Elton John all make unnecessary appearances on mediocre songs. But the opening track is the worst. “Wiggle Wiggle” sounds like the theme song to one of those tripped-out television shows beloved by toddlers and drug users.
Dylan's 10 Worst